Mar 7, 2025
Solar panels could cut fuel-poor UK families’ energy bills by 24%, says study
A study found that installing solar panels on rooftops could cut energy bills by 24% for low-income families in the UK. With 3.6 million families spending a large part of their income on energy, these savings could lift 1.2 million people out of fuel poverty.
A 3kW solar panel system could save households up to £440 a year. However, the upfront cost of around £6,500 makes it difficult for many to afford. Research suggests that government-backed grants or loans could help families install panels and benefit from lower bills.
In 2015, more solar panels were installed in poorer areas (35%) than in wealthier ones (31%). But government cuts to solar subsidies have slowed installations, making panels more common in richer neighborhoods. Experts suggest including a means-tested support program in the upcoming Warm Homes Plan to increase access.
Meanwhile, separate research found that solar farms could support bird populations. Studies in East Anglia showed that solar farms with hedgerows and no grass cutting had more bird species than surrounding farmland. Farms managed for nature, rather than constantly grazed, attracted more threatened birds, such as yellowhammers and linnets.
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